Food-Grade Packaging Manufacturer Case Study - Ripcord

Manufacturing Quality Assurance Case Study

Optimizing QA and customer service with digitization and artificial intelligence

When a prominent food-grade packaging manufacturer was struggling to maintain highly accurate traceability of raw materials and products, it presented a considerable risk to their ability to successfully navigate rigorous food safety audits. At the same time, their team was facing daily customer service challenges that required them to manually track down paper and digital documentation across various locations. These issues posed a significant threat to the company's operational efficiency and compliance efforts. 

Download the case study to learn how Ripcord's digitization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence solution streamlined and standardized the organization's document management processes. Ripcord's impact was profound, enabling the packaging manufacturer to achieve:

  • Full digitization of all documents in an impressive three-month timeframe.
  • Instant access to all of their files on Ripcord's cloud-based platform, Canopy.
  • An accurate database of indexed data.
  • A dramatic reduction in customer service response times.